Hope Outreach
Women’s 12 Step Spiritual Retreat

Join us at Villa Desiderata’s Retreat Center in McHenry, IL
June 21st - 23rd 2024

“We grow by our willingness to face and rectify errors and convert them into assets.”
“Showing others who suffer how we were given help is the very thing which makes life seem so worthwhile to us now. Cling to the thought that in God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have--the key to life and happiness for others.
With it you can avert death and misery for them.” Big Book pg. 124
All women working a 12 Step Program are invited to enjoy the serenity found at:
Villa Desiderata’s Retreat Center
3015 Bay View Lane
McHenry, IL
June 21st - June 23rd
The retreat program begins Friday evening June 21st at 7pm. retreats ends with closing ceremonies on Sunday, June 23rd.
Check in begins @ 4PM on Friday
Cost of the retreat is $150 PER PERSON
Includes 5 meals Fri. through Sunday morning.
Pay with a credit/Debit card or download and mail in the registration form